Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jacopo and Taz

Whoops. Been awhile since i've updated =/ haha I'm not positive where I left off? but life has been moving pretty fast the past couple of weeks...

Spring Break: Italy.
I won't give a huge long post about it because I could write forever... basically, i want to go back to Italy. Primarily Cinque Terre. One of, if not the, most gorgeous places. Completely local and authentic. 5 villages connected by a hiking trail and/or a train. Right on the Med Coast... I fell in love with all of the villages and could have easily spent a day in each! Luckily I got to spend 2 1/2, but I will have to return there some day! We also went to Florence and Rome. of the two, Florence was my favorite. Nikki had lived there about a year ago, so she knew all the 'local' areas and places to go which made it even more fun! By the end of our time there we had our own "dried fruit guy" and "meat and cheese" guys at the market. I was also able to check an item off my bucket list (kiss an Italian man)! However, i added an item... climb the Great Wall of China. I met some people in Florence who said that is a "must"... so it's on the list! some day =) Rome was fantastic just because of the rich history! I read Romans before we left on Spring Break, and then I read it on the train into Rome. So walking Ancient Rome and seeing the Vatican was overwhelming. Walking places the Peter walked and seeing the exact spot Peter was crucified upside down was an experience i will never forget. Rome was just beautiful. We attempted to find the Appian Way (where Nero lined the streets with crucified christians) and that was an adventure! haha which is a daily routine in our lives here. we walked nothing short of 7 miles a day while in Rome. and the longest was the day we tried to find this "Way"... we walked from one end of the map to the other... and beyond. we found ourselves on the sides of highways, in a tiny little side street, under bridges. and had to put our extremely NON fluent Italian to the test! we found the Appian Way street, but it was getting dark and we didn't find the actual monument/park... oh well i guess. but overall, Italy has by far been one of the greatest trips!

I have to say, as this experience is coming to a close, I have loved and appreciated every aspect. There have been struggles at times- but God is faithful and these struggles have only made me and my walk with Him stronger. I love when the lessons in the Bible come to life. I have experienced so many of these lessons and would not trade them for the world. I have learned to remain joyful through trials or struggles and realize that God doesn't give us more than we can handle... and I have learned more in these 3 months on how to lean on Him for the strength to stay joyful even when I don't "feel like it" or im tired. My reliance and love for God has only grown this semester, and He has proven himself faithful time and again. Approaching Easter this weekend I'm severely missing COTM. I have all semester, but especially this weekend. Alongside that, I'll be missing the family and keeping you in my prayers as you all are having a blast in FL!

I think another one of the greatest blessings of this experience has been the people. the 8 of us from OSU and Kayla from Delaware have grown so close. I was curious how it would all work out when we first got here... but it has been one of the most remarkable experiences to watch all of us grow close and enjoy each other so much. we are all so different, yet our travels and stories have all taken place together. it has made this whole thing that much more fun! i know we are all going to have extreme culture shock when we go home and separation anxiety, because i have eaten, slept and taught with these people for the past 3 and 1/2 solid months. i don't know that i'm ready for it to end... but i do know that im excited to return home and see family and friends! so much to catch up on in everyone's lives =)

I'm off to Dublin this weekend as a "last hoorah"/happy birthday to myself! (gotta visit my home land) so i'm praying for safe travels and a fun time. I will be putting together a video for our final presentation we are required to give... so i'm gonna need to channel Grant's expert video making skills. lol i miss you all tons and am excited to see everyone so soon!!