Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Incandescently happy..."

Hello Blog-o-sphere.
first off: HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY REAGAN!!!!!! Love you =)
It’s been awhile since I’ve updated. And I can happily say, life has been interesting. Haha I updated you on the Post Office boy in my last post… and well, we have hung out a couple more times. Yea, and I feel he thinks this is ‘going somewhere’ when I know the only somewhere it is going… is back to OK for me. Oops? Haha so im currently avoiding the inevitable of having to inform him that “it’s been fun, but im not interested” Until that day, I will enjoy interacting with someone outside of the 8 of us girls and my students… and watching a real tv, with Lost. Haha! No, im not using him.
Let’s see… we will do a classroom update first. I told mom and dad this story and about cried I was laughing so hard. Let me set the scene:
It’s is my small (9 students) AP class, except im missing 4 students. So im down to 5. I don’t want to start something new, so I tell them we are going to do a practice AP multiple choice question. My teacher has no objections… and continues to happily fill out his crossword puzzle. This is a timed test (55 minutes), no talking… ready, set, go…
Fast Forward 20 minutes:
My teacher has taken it upon himself to try and talk to different students in the class (yes, DURING the timed test that is suppose to be a MOCK AP test) regarding their grades, missed assignments, blah blah blah… naturally, I suppress my frustration. Debating on whether or not to say anything (he still has to do my final eval for OSU) I allow him to interrupt a couple of times, but “shh” the class in an attempt to help him GET THE POINT. Fail. Then… all of the sudden…
I hear this AWFUL  gagging/choking/throwing up sound. Anyone who knows me, knows that I can NOT hide my facial expression very well, so im trying SO hard not to have a disgusted look on my face until I figure out what is going on. Well… I look over, and my teacher is making the WORST gagging, vomiting sound ever. I wish I could put on audio clip on here because it sounded like he was choking up a lung. His first reaction?? BLARE his ipod… why? Oh, to drown out the awful sound of him gagging. So, not only is he gagging, he is blaring Steven Curtis Chapman and Micheal W Smith Christmas. Also, he has removed himself to the side of the classroom by the sink… and has proceeded to HACK UP/GAG himself of anything and everything in his stomach. This charade goes on for about 30 seconds to a minute. Longest minute of my life. All the while, my students are looking at me like, what the heck is happening?! Haha and I have no defense… my head is in my hands, and im silent laughing (but with no fear of being heard, MWS is still blaring on the stereo)
He finally turns around… wipes down his mouth of who knows what remnants. Obviously I want to vomit. But he turns around and announces (keep in mind… STILL timed test happening here) “it’s ok class, im fine. You see,  I have this really bad gag reflex. And any time it kicks in, it doesn’t matter how little or how much is in my stomach, it all comes up” this man proceeds to DESCRIBE IN DETAIL his gag reflex for the next 2 minutes. I wanted to vomit.
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha come on, just laugh. It’s funny… and was PRICEless.
On another note… This past weekend we went on a “Finding Mr Darcy” tour. Wow, it was phenomenal. I can’t say I found my Darcy, but I definitely found myself falling in love with Chawtown and Lacock… both towns have been used in Harry Potter films and Pride and Prejudice. We stayed at a little hotel that provided an “all you would ever want to eat” breakfast. Don’t worry, Merideth Emily and I DEFINITELY took part in ordering everything we wanted. I mean, we paid for it, right? Haha Then we met up with Emily’s aunt and cousin in Bath. They came to England for vaca and we got to just explore Bath on our own with them. Incredible. The Roman Baths were gorgeous… and they gave Sarah and Kalyn a sample cup of water from the Bath… ew. That’s all I have to say. It was warm, and disgusting. Hahaha but we got to have Tea in the Pump Room and wander through the streets of Bath. Such a fun weekend!!
I do have to say though, the countdown is on… this time in 11 DAYS I will be walking the streets of Cinque Terre on the coast of the Mediterranean for my SB. I cannot even tell you how excited I am. This is by far going to be the hardest 10 days to get through, because I am SO over teaching and ready to be in Italy =) still can’t believe this is coming to a close, it’s been the most incredible experience so far… and im soaking it ALL in!! Miss you all and love you!

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