Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pro Bowlers.

 I do not normally do a mid week update... but this event called for a blog. But i must give the background so all of you can fully appreciate the story...

So, as i have relayed multiple times- our location and situation is not prime for "social interaction" like we are use to... as in: we have NO car, NO social life, and NO way to really meet people. We teach all day, then are stuck on Feltwell, alone. With each other to keep company. We have dont well so far- but by week 5... we were ready to meet someone. This next part of the background involves Merideth, Emily, Kalyn and myself. We all teach on the main (Lakenheath) base which is where the post office is... Well after we went to Belgium we had multiple packages of chocolate to send home. haha and we were gathering boxes/addresses randomly for the week after. so during our lunch time for about 2 weeks after Belgium, we were going to the post office about 3 times a week. And when we went to the post office, there were a couple young lieutenants working. And yes, they were attractive. so naturally, we are socially deprived and hit typical HS girl mood... Kalyn decided she was 'in love' with Officer Kelly on the far left window. And so the romance began... for the next two weeks we saw our 2 new friends often, and they did recognize us, so that's a good sign.
Next part of the background: we have been catching rides with a woman, Janis, who works at the HS. She has a freshman son and is married to a man who is in the Air Force and works at a shop. He is in charge of a handful of young officers. Well, we love Janis! She is super and takes us everywhere. I think she loves having a group of young girls to spend time with since she doesn't have girls...
And here the story begins: about 10/12 days ago we were relaying to Janis our deprivation of male interaction. Joking, kind of. and Janis proceeded to say that "we need to fix that!" And said she would talk to her husband since he works with a bunch of young single officers. We laughed, and said please do! not thinking too much about it... well, she came back a couple days later and suggested a dinner or bowling night to meet the boys, to which we whole heartedly agreed! So last Tuesday she checked with us and we told her let's do it in a week (this past tuesday night)... Well, on last Thursday we had gone to the post office for about the 3rd time that week... and Kalyn was falling more and more in love with Officer Kelly (we didn't know his first name) So of course, we tell Janis! Cause we tell her everything... haha and she just laughed and thought it was the greatest! Then she suggested that we invite them to go bowling with us... well we agreed that they should come! all so Kalyn could REALLY meet officer kelly, of course. But we didn't wanna seem  creepy or desperate. So Janis proceeds to say that she should just march right in the post office and walk up to the window and say "Kelly, show yourself! We are going bowling next week and you are invited. Show up in your civilian clothes and bring your friends!" We laughed and laughed thinking nothing of it... Fast forward to Tuesday night of this week. We are going bowling... Janis picks us up at our dorms and tells us that her husband has invited "the boys" from the shop... so we laugh and say we are excited to just meet some people! Then she stops, looks at us... and says "i have to tell you what i did..." to which  we didn't know how to respond. She then informs us that she DID go to the post office. with NO box, NO reason to be there, and cut everyone in line and went to Kelly's window. She then said "excuse me, Kelly, do you have a significant other? or attached to anyone in any way?" hahahhaa he said no, with an obvious questioning tone... and she said "great, i have a group of young, single student teachers and we are going bowling tonight... you are welcome to join, and bring your friends!" hahahahahaha so she tells us this and says he agreed to come! well you can imagine how kalyn reacted when Janis said this... she about ran back upstairs to change outfits...

so we get to the bowling alley... and Janis is good, she staggered the arrival of the boys. the Shop boys were to arrive at 630, and the Post Office boys at 7. So we meet the Shop boys and bowl with them for about 30 minutes... and they were sweet and nice! loved em. then out of the corner of our eyes, we see Kelly and the post office boys! kalyn's eyes go wide and we flag Janis down to tell her who has arrived. they are doing the whole, 6th grade dance maneuver where they aren't coming over... so Janis sends her husband to break the ice! he invites them over, and once they get their shoes, they come over and we make our "official" acquaintances. im dying laughing inside, obviously. well the night goes on... emily is talking to the shop boys, merideth and i are talking to the post office boys, and kalyn is talking to officer kelly (his name is josh)... so it's great!! we are having a blast. and they weren't creepily hitting on us, legitimately just enjoying a night of bowling. hahaha and the post office boys bring up the janis thing at the post office and are reference how 'random' it was that janis invited them... to which we obviously agree!! i mean, how strange and unexpected!! not. haha but they don't need to know that they were they source of 85 percent of our convos with janis after school.

Since we are teachers, we decided to call it a night at 830... as we are leaving, the shop boys get emily's number because they want to hang out again since they had a blast and the post office boys get my number because they want to take us out on saturday to hang out! naturally we are ECSTATIC because we have friends!! we say our goodbyes and get in the car with Janis... we are recapping on the evening when, all of the sudden, my phone vibrates. it's officer kelly's friend matt (the post office boy who got my phone number) he was just texting me so i could have his number saved. i responded and said we had a blast! to which he responded and agreed... then... he said "so my friend josh (officer kelly, kalyn's crush) was wondering if your friend kalyn has an email since she doesn't have a phone" OH MY GOSH i wish i could have video tapped my reaction... you would have thought the boy was asking for MY phone number.... i just started squealing and yelling!!! so i told the car what the text said and we ALL (janis included) erupted into squeals of joy and kalyn is yelling at me to text him back and say she DOES have a phone, it was just dead, and give him her number. so i passed along the number to matt, to give to josh. josh then apologizes for making me the 'middle man' but knows his friend josh really appreciates it... so of course i respond that it is no problem at all, and i KNOW my friend kalyn ALSO really appreciates it! hahahaha

so that was our tuesday evening... and the boys (both shop and post office) have text us multiple times since tuesday wanting to hang out. i have to say... our social life, thanks to janis, is picking up!! hahaha we have a hang out date with the post office boys saturday... and it should be interesting. I'm sure it will be blog worthy after this weekend. Keep ya posted.

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